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Sunday, June 23, 2013
Fleur Bienaimee by Houbigant c1930
Fleur Bienaimee by Houbigant: launched in 1930, created by Robert Bienaime.
Gardenia Concentre by Houbigant c1935
Gardenia Concentre by Houbigant: launched in 1935. This name was also used by Cheramy, a division of Houbigant. So what does it smell lik...
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
La Rose France by Houbigant c1911
La Rose France by Houbigant: launched in 1911. Inspired by the romance of the rose, Madame Pompadour and the old French salons.
Mes Delices by Houbigant c1904
Mes Delices by Houbigant: launched around 1904.
Presence by Houbigant c1929
Présence by Houbigant: launched in 1929, created by Raymond Kling.
Popular Perfume Gifts c1929
Popular Perfume Gifts for the Christmas Season in 1929 Essence Rare in Baccarat flacon Le Parfum Ideal in Baccarat flacon, in Louis ...
Lutece by Houbigant c1984
Lutece by Houbigant: launched in 1984. Apparently, "Lutece" was the old name for the city of Paris.
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