
Sunday, May 26, 2013

La Giroflee by Houbigant c1905

La Giroflee by Houbigant: launched in 1905.

Fragrance Composition:

So what does it smell like? It is classified as a floral fragrance for women. Gillyflowers...also known as sweet williams, carnations, cottage pinks or garden pinks. All these common names refer to flowers in the genus Dianthus - all have spicy, clove-scented flowers.

Life, 1912:
"Cœur de Jeannette is a subtle caress of tropical fragrance, most delicate and dainty. More pronounced is Houbigant's famous Ideal, a rich bouquet. Peau d'Espagne, is a man's perfume, positively masculine. Violette Houbigant is a reminiscence of shady woods a master achievement in the making of a violet odor. Houbigant brings to you the perfumed moonlight in his Jasmin; his La Rose France is an epitome of Pompadour and the salons of old France; Houbigant's Giroflee is a languorous dream; his Lilies of the Valley, Muguet, an exotic rapture; and his Carnation of the King, Oeillet du Roi, a royal duplicate of this exquisite flower; each one a revelation of unique fragrance and exquisitely good taste to its delighted recipient."

The perfume sold for $5.00 in 1912. According to an inflation calculator, what cost $5.00 in 1912 would cost $156.97 in 2023.


La Giroflee was presented in a variety of flacons over the years.

Fate of the Fragrance:

Discontinued, date unknown. Still being sold in 1933.

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