Note: Please understand that this website is not affiliated with the Houbigant company in any way, it is only a reference page for collectors and those who have enjoyed the Houbigant fragrances.

The goal of this website is to show the present owners of the Houbigant company how much we miss the discontinued classics and hopefully, if they see that there is enough interest and demand, they will bring back the perfume!

Please leave a comment below (for example: of why you liked the perfume, describe the scent, time period or age you wore it, who gave it to you or what occasion, any specific memories), who knows, perhaps someone from the company might see it.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lutece by Houbigant c1984

Lutece by Houbigant: launched in 1984. Apparently, "Lutece" was the old name for the city of Paris.

Houbigant's Ruba Nail Polish

Houbigant's Ruba Nail Polish, a pressed powder that would be rubbed onto the nails with a polishing cloth. Packaged in a wooden container. Product No. 310 in the Houbigant catalog

Country Life in America, 1915:
"Houbigant Ruba Crayon instantly gives a lustrous polish to the nails, imparting at the same time a natural pink tint. Per crayon, 50c."

Vintage Examples of Houbigant Bills/Invoices










Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Houbigant Display: Exposition des Arts Décoratifs Paris 1925

Houbigant Display: Exposition des Arts Décoratifs Paris 1925

Houbigant Price List c1950

Houbigant Price List c1950

Houbigant Compacts






Houbigant Perfume Duo in Coffret

Houbigant Perfume Duo in Coffret, circa 1930.

A rich presentation of two Baccarat crystal bottles with silvered metal stoppers in an immaculate fabric covered case patterned with dogs. One bottle has its early Baccarat paper label.
Height 3 3/4 in. photo by Mastro Auctions

A rich presentation of two Baccarat crystal bottles (model #129) with gilded flat disk glass stoppers in an ornate silk brocade fabric covered coffret.

Coffret rectangulaire en bois gainé de tissus à motifs de feuillages et d'animaux dans le style médiéval, 2 flacons en cristal incolore pressé moulé de Baccarat de section et forme cylindriques, panse facettée, col bagué de laiton, leur bouchon ovale plat laqué or, avec leur étiquette, scellés avec PdO.
Parfums : « Un peu d'Ambre » et « Quelques Fleurs ».
H : 10 cm.

Looks similar to the one in the advertisement below